The best 10 Things to Do in Naryn Region | Kyrgyzstan
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The best 10 Things to Do in Naryn Region

Admin 1 14.09.2024

Naryn Region: An Insightful Overview

The Naryn Region, situated in central Kyrgyzstan, is renowned for its dramatic landscapes and rich cultural heritage. Dominated by the towering Tien Shan mountains and sprawling highlands, Naryn is characterized by its rugged terrain and alpine climate, which includes cold winters and mild summers. This region is vital for its pastoral and agricultural activities, with extensive grazing lands supporting traditional livestock farming. Naryn’s natural beauty includes stunning valleys, pristine rivers, and the expansive Song-Kul Lake, attracting tourists and nature enthusiasts. The region’s cultural landscape is deeply influenced by Kyrgyz traditions and nomadic heritage, offering a glimpse into the country’s rich history and vibrant local customs. As a center for both natural beauty and cultural richness, Naryn plays a significant role in Kyrgyzstan’s identity and tourism.

1.The Ak-Say Valley

is located in the Naryn region and is a wide high-altitude valley between two ridges. The territory of the valley is located in the border zone between Torugart and At-Bashi, so you need to get a special pass to enter the valley. The Ak-Say valley is considered the cold polar region of Kyrgyzstan, where the temperature recorded at local weather stations is -53.6 °C. Vegetation in the valley is mostly covered with short and very dense grass, there are many swamps and lakes.

2.Tash Rabat

  is an ancient caravanserai in the Narin region, not far from the Chinese border. In ancient times it was one of the key points on the Great Silk Road.The caravanserai is located in the southern part of the Atbashi Mountains, 3100 meters above sea level. Numerous caravans carrying eastern goods from China were accommodated here for centuries. The history of Stone Rabat dates back to ancient times. From the 2nd to the 1st century BC. In the 1st and 2nd centuries BC, merchant caravans visited the area. From the 2nd century BC to the 1st century AD and from the 1st century AD to the 2nd century AD, merchant caravans traveled to and from the area. Although the main routes of the Silk Road have changed since then, the region has continued to be used by trade caravans: Between the 10th and 11th centuries, a monastery was built here

3.Son-Kul Lake (Son-kel, Sonkul)

is located in the northwestern part of the Naryn region of Kyrgyzstan. It is the second largest lake in the country after Issyk-Kul. Translated from Kyrgyz, Son-Kul means “lake inhabited by wild ducks”. The lake is located in the Tien Shan Gorge, at an altitude of 3016 meters above sea level. The area of Son-Kul is 278 sq. km, length – 28 km, width – 18 km. The average depth is 8.6 m, and the maximum is almost 14 m. Part of the lake is located on the territory of the Karatal-Zhapyryksky National Reserve, established in 1994.

4.Lake Kel Suu

is a glacial lake at an altitude of 3500 meters and is located in the south-east of the Narin region, close to the border between Kyrgyzstan and China. The water of the lake is bright blue and contrasts beautifully with the surrounding rocks. It is one of the most beautiful places in Kyrgyzstan and at the same time difficult to reach. Kehl Suu is a landslide lake formed in a large cleft between rocks. The lake is 9 km long and 500 meters to 2 km wide at its widest point. There is only one shoreline, so it is not possible to see the entire lake from the shoreline. The lake has an interesting feature, which is why it got the name Kel-Suu, which means ‘leaving water’ in Kyrgyz. And indeed, the lake sometimes disappears, seeping into underground caves and caverns. That is why it is necessary to check if there is water in the lake before going there.

picture of insight view of tash rabat
Tash rabat Naryn region

5.Chatyr-Kul Lake (Chatyr-Kel)

means “heavenly lake” in Kyrgyz. The sky reflected on the surface of the water gives it a special color.The lake is located in the Naryn region, near the Torugart pass leading to China. Chatyr-Kul is located between two ridges – Torugart-Too and At-Atbashi. This is the highest mountain lake of the Tien Shan, located at an altitude of 3500 m above sea level. It is also the third largest lake in Kyrgyzstan after Issyk-Kul and Son-Kul. Its area is 160 sq. km, and the depth reaches 16.5 m. About 17 rivers flow into the alpine lake, but there is only one permanent river.The average annual temperature does not exceed -5 °C. At the same time, in winter the temperature can reach -50 °C. In the cold season, the lakes are not only covered with ice, but the water freezes to the bottom. In summer, due to the continental climate, the temperature reaches +24 °C, but it is impossible to swim here.

6.The Naryn River

majestic and mighty, stretches for 535 kilometers, starting its journey in the Tien Shan Mountains, in the heart of Kyrgyzstan. Its shores are full of picturesque landscapes, inviting tourists on exciting trips along this waterway. Let’s dive into the unique features of the Naryn River and explore its attractiveness for tourism. The Naryn River, which originates in the glacial plateaus of the Tien Shan, creates a stunning landscape saturated with high-altitude landscapes and winding valleys. As it flows, it crosses mountain ranges and creates gorges, rising and falling along with the contour of the surrounding nature. 

7.The Kara-Keche Gorge

is a long gorge in the west of the Naryn region, known for the Kara-Keche pass of the same name, separating the Jumgal Valley from Son-Kul, and the largest coal deposit in Kyrgyzstan. The gorge is located in the Moldo-Ashuu mountains and has a length of 50 km. The nature of the gorge is very remarkable, as is its relief. The slopes of the gorge are composed of red rocks, which create a wonderful contrast with the fir trees and other green vegetation growing on the slopes of these mountains. By the way, many plants grow in the gorge. As soon as you enter the gorge from the side of the Jumgal Gorge, it immediately attracts attention.

Tours Kyrgyzstan, Silk Road, Tours Central Asia, Horse riding tour, Kyrgyzstan, Trekking tour, Altyn Arashan, Issyk-Kul lake, Son-Kol lake
Horseback Riding Tour to Son-Kul. Tours Kyrgyzstan, Silk Road, Tours Central Asia, Horse riding tour, Kyrgyzstan, Trekking tour, Altyn Arashan, Issyk-Kul lake, Son-Kol lake

8.Naryn City:

The Charm of History and Nature. The city of Naryn, comfortably located in the central part of Kyrgyzstan, is a dynamic and multinational model. According to the latest data, the population is more than 42 thousand people, represented by various ethnic groups such as Kyrgyz, Uzbeks, Dungans and others. 

– Dungan Mosque Complex:   An architectural marvel reflecting Dungan culture and its influence on the religious architecture of the city.
– Park of Culture and Recreation: A green oasis providing a place to relax and contemplate nature.
– Festivals and Events: Naryn comes to life during national holidays and festivals, where you can immerse yourself in the culture and traditions of the Kyrgyz people.

– Naryn River:   A picturesque river that embodies the life of the city and creates unique opportunities for recreation on its banks.
– Mountain Ranges:  Majestic mountain peaks rise around the city, offering excellent hiking trails.

9.Kekemeren gorge.

 One of the most beautiful roads in Kyrgyzstan is located in a small area between the Suuzamir and Jumgal valleys, where the powerful and beautiful Kekemeren River flows. This place is called Kekemeren Gorge.The Kekemeren Gorge is located in the northwestern part of Naryn, about 200 km from Bishkek. The gorge is about 30 km long. The gorge consists of red and yellow rocks, which contrast beautifully with the green and striking blue river. The large boulders are prone to erosion and form huge vertical boulders up to 200 meters high, as well as amazing forms of sand and clay. 

10.The Naryn region

is ideal for long trips, including trekking, cycling and car trips. The large area and small population of the region can provide many impressions for tourists. The region is famous for its large lakes at an altitude of more than 3000 meters and beautiful and complex mountain gorges connecting the valleys and gorges of Naryn Region.The Naryn region is a great place to get an insight into the nomadic life of the Kyrgyz people, which has not changed much in the last 300 years. If you are interested in cultural monuments, it is worth visiting Tash Rabat, one of the oldest Silk Road caravan huts in Central Asia. Naryn region is the largest and paradoxically the least populated region of Kyrgyzstan. 

Tours to naryn Region