Kan-Achuu The State Natural Park | Travel to Jalal-Abad region
picture of flowers in Nature of Kan Achuu
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Kan-Achuu The State Natural Park

State Natural Park “Kan-Achuu”

In order to expand the network of specially protected natural areas of the Kyrgyz Republic, in accordance with the Resolution of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic dated September 11, 2015 No. 630 “On the establishment of the state natural park  “Kan-Achuu” was created in the “Toguz-Toro” district on a land plot of 30496.5 hectares.

It is organized for the purpose of protecting the natural complex, preserving endangered plants and wild animals, their rational use, i.e. It is organized with the purpose of preserving the natural gene pool, improving the environmental situation, protecting the biosphere, geosphere, especially flora and fauna. The most beautiful nature in the territory of the Kan-Achuu State Nature Park, high rocky mountains, clean and transparent gushing water, white glacial mountains covered with blue sky and colorful clouds, blue peaks, flying eagles, early morning joy of kyberen, sweet as the voice of komuz. It gives special pleasure to a person looking at the clean water reflecting this sound.
The Kan-Achuu area consists mainly of rocky mountains and high hills, the large Kan-Achuu water flows through it, surrounded by a dense forest of juniper, hawthorn and sea buckthorn bushes. There are 343 species of plants on the territory of the nature park. More than ten species of plants listed in the Red Book of the Kyrgyz Republic grow, and in the “Sogondu” area, the “Pskem onion” listed in the Red Book grows.

picture of Bear in Kan Achu. Kyrgzystan
phot of leopard in Kan Achuu Kyrgyzstan. Jalal Abaq

The nature park is rich in wildlife. The species of animals listed in the Red Book include bear, leopard, mountain goat, roe deer, Tien-Shan marten, skunk, marten, fox. Among the birds listed in the Red Book are partridges, pheasants, eagles, eagles, pigeons and others. There are 117 species of vertebrates, including 1 amphibian, 2 reptiles, 92 species of birds and 22 mammals. There are many enigmatic and mysterious caves in this forest. In the Baidamtal Valley at a depth of 70 m, there is a very mysterious cave. A man barely fits into the mouth of the cave and has difficulty getting inside. Its original side occupies an area larger than a gray house. Inside the cave, there are places for people to rest, and in the corner there are shelves for storing things. There is a large cave here that can accommodate 20 horsemen, which is aesthetically pleasing and attracts foreign citizens. This mysterious cave is called the “Hole Cave” because there is an open area on the western side of the peak.

There are also three waterfalls in this forest. The 40-meter-high dead-end waterfall flows along the Eki-Chat River, which is covered with dense forest and does not see the sun’s rays. It is called a dead-end waterfall because the peaks of the cliff are connected to each other. There is a long waterfall from the gorge of Mount Kok-Bel. In the summer heat, this waterfall dries up. In this waterfall, water flows from a glacier. Also in the gorge of Mount “Baidamtal” is the “Okurgan Bulak” waterfall, flowing from a height of 50 m.
In addition, the park has tombs, ponds, carved stones. For example, for tourists interested in rock climbing, there is the “Saimaluu-Tash” stone carved on the surface of a large mountain, Lake “Ala-Kul”, located on an area of 3.5 hectares, and mountains 4200 meters above sea level. 

photo of mountain goat in Kan Achuu National park. Kyrgyzstan
water fall in Kan Achu National park

The Kan-Achuu Nature Park has not been fully explored. There are many other phenomena in this area. There are various legends among the people about the very mysterious nature of the Kan-Achuu region, compared to the locals who know a lot about the Kan-Achuu region and folk legends. According to one legend, there was a war here and many people were killed. This is one of the secrets of the Kan-Achuu title. In another legend, the khan, ruled by the people, gets stuck in the snow. They say that he experienced great pain getting out from under the snow and heading to his bed through a large pass, and they called him Kan-Ashuu because he barely overcame it. The natural park borders on the Kok-Irim rural district of the Toguz-Toron district in the east and southeast, the Suzak and Bazar-Korgon districts in the southwest and the Toktogul district in the northwest and north.

The Kan-Achuu State Natural Park is located 35 km from the village of Kazarman, the center of the district. You can get to the park area by car and then from the park area along a horse (horse) route with a length of 10 km.
In order to develop tourism, 3-day, 6-day and 8-day tours are organized in the park in three directions:
– for tourists interested in nature;
– to photograph wild animals (photo hunting);
– to climb to a height (4200 m above sea level).
⦁ 3-day tour “From the Bos-Seki area to Sogonda and Kok-Dobe” Horse route
⦁ 6-day tour “From Teshik-Inkursky district to Ak-Suu, Kok-Dobe district by car and horses”
⦁ 8-day tour “Route from the Baydam-Tal area to the Alatai Park area.”