Suusamir Valley - Nomads Life - Silk Road Tours
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Suusamir Valley

Admin 1 24.02.2024

The Suusamyr Valley is a mountain depression located at an altitude of 2,200 m above sea level. The height of some mountains reaches 4,500 m . In the past, caravans along the Great Silk Road passed here. The distance from Bishkek to the Suusamyr Valley is 160 km.

In fact, the green plains stretch for 155 km, reaching 40 km wide in some places. More than 300 species of plants, including medicinal plants, grow in the valley. Trees, on the contrary, are rare. Some plants are listed in the Red Book. The red book snow leopard lives in Suusamyr.Two mountain rivers flow here–Suusamyr and Western Karakol, and there is also a mountain spring. In summer, shepherds come to Suusamyr and set up camp here. Zailinsky pastures in Suusamyr are considered the best in the whole of Kyrgyzstan. In summer, the valley becomes like a green sea. Shepherds graze their cattle from May to July and live in yurts built with their own hands. And they also prepare koumiss (mare’s milk) and treat them to all visitors. It is believed that this is the most delicious koumiss in Kyrgyzstan. Shepherds also sell ayran (fermented milk drink) and mountain honey.

There are kumys treatment centers and rest homes around the valley, which are visited not only by Kyrgyz, but also by residents of CIS countries. Suusamyr is very beautiful in winter. The valley is famous for the ski resort Too-Ashuu, which attracts lovers of snowboarding and downhill skiing. In addition, paragliders have chosen this area. Landing here is considered safe because of the vast fields. In Suusamyr, you can also meet climbers. At the bottom of the valley there are unique stone carvings and mounds. The oldest of them dates back to the VI century BC, and the later ones – the V century AD. Next to the valley is the village of Suusamyr, where you can spend the night and get acquainted with the life of a Kyrgyz family. Also not far from the valley, in the village of Kozhomkul, there is a mazar (tomb / mausoleum) of the hero Kozhomkul. A large print of his hand hangs on the wall of the mazar. There is also a museum where visitors can get acquainted with the history of the Suusamyr Valley. The valley is cool even in summer, so it is recommended to take warm clothes with you.

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