Chatyr-Kul Lake - Nomads Life-Tours in Kyrgyzstan. Silk Road tours.
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Home Blog Lakes of Kyrgyzstan Chatyr-Kul Lake

Chatyr-Kul Lake

Admin 1 21.02.2024

Chatyr-Kul Lake (Chatyr-Kel) means “heavenly lake” in Kyrgyz. The sky reflected on the surface of the water gives it a special color.The lake is located in the Naryn region, near the Torugart pass leading to China. Chatyr-Kul is located between two ridges – Torugart-Too and At-Atbashi. This is the highest mountain lake of the Tien Shan, located at an altitude of 3500 m above sea level. It is also the third largest lake in Kyrgyzstan after Issyk-Kul and Son-Kul. Its area is 160 sq. km, and the depth reaches 16.5 m. About 17 rivers flow into the alpine lake, but there is only one permanent river.

The average annual temperature does not exceed -5 °C. At the same time, in winter the temperature can reach -50 °C. In the cold season, the lakes are not only covered with ice, but the water freezes to the bottom. In summer, due to the continental climate, the temperature reaches +24 °C, but it is impossible to swim here. Even on the warmest days, the water temperature does not exceed 10 ° C. Nevertheless, the lake is considered one of the most beautiful lakes in Kyrgyzstan. Many tourists come here to enjoy the picturesque scenery.

Chatyr-Kul Lake is part of the Karatal-Zhapyryk National Reserve. The coastal zone of the lake is recognized as a wetland and has global significance. Thousands of migratory birds stop here. At the same time, there are no fish at all in Chatyr-Kul Lake.

There are no trees near the lake, but there is a lot of vegetation. Most of the herbs growing here are considered medicinal. There are hot springs near the lake.

To visit Chatyl-Kul, you need to get a special permit from the border guards. This is due to the fact that the reserve is home to the snow leopard, red marmot and mountain goat listed in the Red Book, as well as many other wild animals. In addition, the reserve is constantly working on the study and monitoring of animals listed in the Red Book, fauna of wetland birds and medicinal plants.

Individual Nomad Life tours are a great opportunity to make a route taking into account your wishes. We offer hiking, cycling, equestrian, automobile, ethnic tours and, of course, tours combining two or more types of tourist activities.

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