Kekemeren gorge - Nomads Life-Tours in Kyrgyzstan. Silk Road tours.
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Home Blog Gorges and Valleys of Kyrgyzstan Kekemeren gorge

Kekemeren gorge

Admin 1 22.02.2024

Kekemeren gorge. One of the most beautiful roads in Kyrgyzstan is located in a small area between the Suuzamir and Jumgal valleys, where the powerful and beautiful Kekemeren River flows. This place is called Kekemeren Gorge.The Kekemeren Gorge is located in the northwestern part of Naryn, about 200 km from Bishkek. The gorge is about 30 km long. The gorge consists of red and yellow rocks, which contrast beautifully with the green and striking blue river. The large boulders are prone to erosion and form huge vertical boulders up to 200 meters high, as well as amazing forms of sand and clay. The rivers flowing through the gorge are formed by the confluence of the West Karakol and Suusamir rivers, which flow from the southern slopes of the Kyrgyz ridge and carry their waters to the Naryn River.The canyon’s dirt roads are suitable for vehicles and bicycles, and the river banks offer excellent places for relaxation and picnics. The area is also popular with rafting enthusiasts. Rafting in Kekemeren is a dangerous and unforgettable adventure.

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