Arslanbob Waterfall - Nomads Life-Tours in Kyrgyzstan. Silk Road tours.
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Home Blog Jalal-Abad region Kyrgyzstan Arslanbob Waterfall

Arslanbob Waterfall

Admin 1 20.02.2024

Arslanbob Waterfall.  There are two waterfalls named Arslanbob in Kyrgyzstan. One of them is big and the other is small. Both are located near the village of Arstanbap in the Jalal-Abad region. This is a mountainous area with a subalpine climate.

The big waterfall at the Babash-Ata mountain range is so named because of its height – 80 m. Because of the small width, the waterfall seems even longer. The name of the waterfall means “lion’s mouth” in Kyrgyz, as the sound of falling water resembles a lion’s roar. It is impossible to approach the waterfall, as the water falls into the abyss. Near Arslanbob forest there is a Sacred lake and the tomb of Ibn Abbas. Please note that the waterfall can only be reached on foot or on horseback. The way to the waterfall takes about 2 hours.

The height of the Small Arslanbob is about 30 m . It is surrounded by trees and is very picturesque. It can be reached on foot by a narrow path leading from the village. The foot of the waterfall is quite wide and especially beautiful. Nearby there is a tree on which it is customary to tie ribbons and pieces of fabric for making wishes. There is always a queue near Maly Arslanbob due to heavy traffic. Therefore, if you want to enjoy the picturesque view without outsiders, it is recommended to come early in the morning.

Not far from Maly Arslanbob is the Kirk Cherten Cave (40 angels). According to legend, there lived a woman who helped people. Residents believe that mystical forces dwell in it to this day.

Walnut forests have also been preserved in the village of Arslanbap and its surroundings. According to local residents, the age of some trees exceeds 10 centuries. The area of walnut forests is more than 600 thousand hectares. Walnut forests in Kyrgyzstan are considered the largest in the world. About 1,500 tons of nuts and 5,000,000 tons of other fruit trees are harvested here annually. In the 1930s, raccoons from North America were brought to these latitudes, which took root and began to breed.

The village of Arslanbap is a resort. In summer, it attracts many tourists. The village is located in the mountains at an altitude of 1,700 m . In addition to hiking to waterfalls, locals offer tourists to learn horse riding, ride in the mountains on jeeps and motorcycles. There are few tourist attractions in the village, but many come here for the mausoleum of Arstanbap-Ata with its unique carved walnut doors of the XV century.

Arslanbap has a conservative Muslim population, many elders (the oldest residents), so it is recommended to dress modestly.

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