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Home Blog Lakes of Kyrgyzstan Kulun Lake

Kulun Lake

Admin 1 21.02.2024

Kulun Lake is the largest mountain lake in the Osh region of Kyrgyzstan. It is located at an altitude of 2856 m above sea level in the Kulunatinsky National Reserve. Kulun Lake was formed as a result of an earthquake.

The length of the lake is 4.6 km, width – 0.7 km, surface area – 3.25 km. The maximum depth reaches 91 m .

Alpine and subalpine meadows and forests are adjacent to the lake. From both sides of Kulun Lake, a breathtaking panorama of mountains opens, which attracts both tourists and locals with its beauty.

The Kulunatinsky Nature Reserve was established in 2004 to protect flora and fauna, including the rich Byakushinsky coniferous forests. Before the creation of the reserve, animals were hunted by poachers, but now such activities are prohibited. Poaching is strictly prohibited. In addition, it is difficult to enter the territory of the reserve without a special permit

The reserve is divided into sections “Kulun-Ata” with an area of 18.5 000 hectares and “Tonzoo” with an area of 6 000 hectares, which are home to more than 100 species of animals and birds and 800 species of plants. The main task of the reserve staff is to protect and increase the representation of rare species of flora and fauna.

On the territory of the reserve there are also mountain lakes Orto-Kol. This system of mountain lakes is unique. It is formed by the lakes Oolong, MalyiKulun and Ortho-Kol.

Not far from Kulun Lake is the holy spring Kulun-Ata. There is a belief that if a childless man comes to this spring barefoot and alone, he will soon be blessed with a child. Once upon a time, a man prayed in this place. After praying, he went to bed, and in the morning he saw a white horse come out of the spring and give birth to a rare foal. Therefore, this place was named Kulun-Ata (“Kulun” – foal, “Ata” – father).

Next to the spring there is an ancient mausoleum where heroes (batyrs) who died in the battles for the territory of Kyrgyzstan are buried.

Individual Nomads Life tours are a great opportunity to make a route taking into account your wishes. We offer hiking, cycling, equestrian, automobile, ethnic tours and, of course, tours combining two or more types of tourist activities.

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