The best 10 Things to Do in Osh Region | Kyrgyzstan
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The best 10 Things to Do in Osh Region

Admin 1 14.09.2024

Osh city. Kyrgyz nomadic culture and the settled agricultural culture of the Fergana Valley.

The historical significance of Osh is centered on Mount Sulayman Too, where this ancient city is located. According to legend, the legendary prophet King Solomon prayed at the top of this mountain. The mosque at the summit of Suleiman Too was built by the great Mughal, founder of the Great Mongol Empire. At the foot of the mountain are many historical buildings, including a medieval mosque and mausoleum, and in a cave on the mountain is a unique historical museum built during the Soviet era. Sulaiman Too is the most important Muslim holy site in Central Asia.

1.The Taldyk Pass

is a high pass separating the Fergana valley from Chon Alai. The pass is located in Osh region, 160 km south of Osh city.
Taldik Pass is one of the most popular passes in Kyrgyzstan. The pass is 3,600 m above sea level and serves as a kind of gateway to the Pamir Highway, one of the highest and most beautiful roads in the world. The northern slopes of the gorge are famous for steep serpentine rock formations from which a magnificent view of the Fergana valley opens up. The first road through this pass was opened at the end of the 19th century and became an important turning point in the most interesting colonial struggle between the Russian Empire and Britain for control of Central Asia

2.Jayloo in Osh.

For generations, the Kyrgyz have lived nomadically and traveled across the mountains with herds of cattle. Seasonal pastures were divided into winter (kyshtoo), spring (jayloo), summer (jailoo) and autumn (kyshtoo). Winter pastures were located in sheltered valleys, while spring and autumn pastures were slightly further away from winter pastures, but still close. Summer pastures were located in high steppes and wide gorges with dense vegetation and abundant water.

3.Uzgen city 

is a city in the Osh region of Kyrgyzstan, one of the oldest cities of the Fergana Valley, part of the Great Silk Road, and the former capital of the Karakhanid state. Uzgen is interesting first of all in terms of its history. The first settlements were established in present-day Uzgen in the 1st and 2nd centuries BC. Uzgen is located in the eastern part of the Fergana Valley, on the banks of the Kara Darya River. This favorable location made the city a very important trade and cultural center in ancient times. For a long time the city was the most important center of trade between China and Central Asia. In the 12th century AD, the city became the capital of the Karakhanid Kaganat. During this period, three Uzgen mausoleums and the Minaret of Uzgen were built, which are the main attractions of Uzgen.

4.The Abshir-Ata Gorge

is known primarily for its 15-meter waterfall, which flows out of a small karst cave in the rock. The waterfall itself and the gorge with the waterfall are among the most visited tourist attractions of the Osh region. The object is located 70 km from the city of Osh. The waterfall has been considered sacred since ancient times, since there are few waterfalls in Kyrgyzstan that flow directly from the rock. This is justified by the fact that the water of the Abshir-Ata waterfall is mineral and health-improving.
The waterfall itself is located in the picturesque valley of the Abshir-Sai River at an altitude of 1500-2500 meters. 

picture of kara-kamysh lake. Kyrgyzstan. 2
photo of Eagle hunting in Naryn

5.Chil-Ushtun Cave

is a karst cave located in the northwest of Osh region, near the village of Alavan. Caves in Kyrgyzstan are very rare. Caves are found in Kyrgyzstan only in the southern regions and there are not many of them. One of the most famous is the Chil-Ushtun cave at an altitude of 1,100 meters. This cave consists of three halls of different sizes connected by a corridor. The entrance to the cave is on a steep rock that must be climbed. The total length of the cave is 400 meters.

6.Kyrgyz- Ata Nature Reserve

is a nature reserve in Osh region, 40 km south of Osh city, on the northern slopes of the Alai Mountains. There are many tourist attractions in Kyrgyz-Ata. The majority of the reserve is a botanical reserve created to protect the juniper forests, mountain tulips and saffron that grow in the region. The Alai mountain range refers to the Pamir Plateau mountain range consisting of multi-colored marble. It includes the valleys of Kyrgyzstan Ata, Kara-oy, Karldai and Mazar.

7.Lenin Peak

 is located in Kyrgyzstan in the Osh region on the border with Tajikistan and has a height of 7134 m. Lenin Peak, known in Tajikistan as Ibn Sina Peak, and in Kyrgyzstan proposed to be renamed Manas Peak, is the third highest peak in the CIS and the second highest in Kyrgyzstan. Lenin Peak is the highest peak of the Trans-Altai Mountains and the fifth highest peak of the Pamirs. The first researcher who discovered the Alai Mountains and their highest peak was Alexey Fedchenko in 1871. Originally, the mountain was called Kaufmann Peak in honor of the first governor of Turkestan.

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8.Sulayman-Too (Mount Solomon)

is the most important cultural attraction of Kyrgyzstan and the first UNESCO Cultural Heritage site in Kyrgyzstan, located in the center of Osh. The mountain, stretching for about 1 km, is made of limestone and has five peaks. Due to its geological features, the mountain has many caves and caverns that are unique to Kyrgyzstan. To this day, the slopes of the mountain keep the memory of numerous petroglyphs left by primitive man. Therefore, it is not surprising that the oldest city of Central Asia, Osh, which is part of the Great Silk Road, was built around this mountain.

9.Kulun Lake

is the largest mountain lake in the Osh region of Kyrgyzstan. It is located at an altitude of 2856 m above sea level in the Kulunatinsky National Reserve. Kulun Lake was formed as a result of an earthquake. The length of the lake is 4.6 km, width – 0.7 km, surface area – 3.25 km. The maximum depth reaches 91 m . Alpine and subalpine meadows and forests are adjacent to the lake. From both sides of Kulun Lake, a breathtaking panorama of mountains opens, which attracts both tourists and locals with its beauty.

10.Tulpar kul Lake

is a highland lake located in the Osh region of Kyrgyzstan, near the base camp of Lenin Peak. It is a small lake with high transparency and is located in the Zaalaisky Mountains at an altitude of 3,500 meters. Tulpar Kul is a favorite destination for tourists and climbers visiting the Arai valley. On clear days, the panorama of Lenin Peak, one of the highest peaks of the Pamir Alai Range, is reflected on the surface of the lake.

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