Tulpar kul Lake - Nomads Life-Tours in Kyrgyzstan. Silk Road tours.
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Home Blog Lakes of Kyrgyzstan Tulpar kul Lake

Tulpar kul Lake

Admin 1 21.02.2024

Tulpar kul Lakeis a highland lake located in the Osh region of Kyrgyzstan, near the base camp of Lenin Peak. It is a small lake with high transparency and is located in the Zaalaisky Mountains at an altitude of 3,500 meters. Tulpar Kul is a favorite destination for tourists and climbers visiting the Arai valley. On clear days, the panorama of Lenin Peak, one of the highest peaks of the Pamir Alai Range, is reflected on the surface of the lake. For this reason, the lake is very popular with photographers. The lake is a great contrast to the surrounding landscape. The soil and hills around the lake are made of red earth. Together with the surrounding green grass and the white crown of the Zaalaisky mountain peaks, a wonderful combination of colors is formed. Tulpar Kul is within walking distance from Achik Tash, the base camp of Lenin Peak. The lake can also be reached on horseback from the nearest villages of Sari Mogol and Kashka Suu.

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