Hazrati Imam Square
tour to Hazrati Imam Square. Tashkent.
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Hazrati Imam Square

Admin 1 16.05.2024

Hazrati Imam Square is a religious center of Tashkent. Hazrati Imam is located in the old town, within neighborhoods with the old wattle and daub houses that have experienced earthquake of 1966.

This complex appeared near the tomb of one of the first imam of Tashkent city, the famous scientist, scholar of the Koran and Hadith, poet and craftsman Hazrati Imam (full name – Abu-Bakr Muhammad Kaffal Shashi).

On the territory of the Hast-Imam, there are few arhitectural monuments, including the madrasah of Barak-Khan, Tilla Sheikh Mosque, mausoleum of the Saint Abu Bakr Kaffal Shashi and the Islamic Institute of Imam al-Bukhari, where future preachers are taught. The Spiritual Administration of the Muslims of Central Asia, led by the Mufti, is also placed there. There is a library for visitors, where a large number of eastern manuscript literatures are kept, as well as the Koran of the third Khalif – Osman that is stored separately. Written in the VII century, the book was in a large number of countries. This ancient holy book is quite large and consists of 353 parchment leaves.The book was brought to Uzbekistan during the time of Amir Temur. The scientists from Russia have studied the book and have confirmed it’s the authenticity. A variety of exotic plants was brought into the ensemble. The storks nest here from spring to autumn. The Khast-Imam looks especially beautiful at night, when the territory is lit by lanterns and it creates the illusion of the oriental tale.

tour to Hazrati Imam Square. Tashkent.
tour to Hazrati Imam Square. Tashkent.

The new building of the mosque Hazrat Imam have been erected in 2007. The structure of the mosque consists of the mosque itself, and two minarets, which architecture is kept in the style of the XVI century. Thus, the entrance area of the mosque is decorated with splendid work of woodcarvers, representing various woodcarving schools of Uzbekistan.

Great job also has been done by landscape designers. In particular, there had been imported many exotic trees, shrubs and flowers from different countries and planted on the territory of the complex. And during the spring, summer and autumn, beautiful storks freely walk there. At night, special lighting of the buildings causes a feeling of attendance in the world of the anchient oriental tales.
The complex of Khazrati Imam 9239One of the spiritual monuments of Tashkent is the Khazrati-Imam ensemble, popularly called Khast-Imam. The square is located in the heart of the old city, which survived after the strongest earthquake in 1966. The complex was built near the burial place of the first Tashkent Imam – Kaffal ash Shashi, who was a scholar and religious figure.

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