Mosque of Bolo-khauz. Bukhara, Uzbekistan | Nomads Life
The Mosque of Bolo-khauz, a jewel of Islamic architecture nestled in the historic city of Bukhara, Uzbekistan
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Mosque of Bolo-khauz. Bukhara, Uzbekistan

Admin 1 25.05.2024

The Mosque of Bolo-khauz, a jewel of Islamic architecture nestled in the historic city of Bukhara, Uzbekistan, stands as a testament to the city’s rich cultural heritage and spiritual legacy. Built in the 18th century, between 1712 and 1718, during the reign of the Ashtarkhanid dynasty, this magnificent mosque was commissioned by the illustrious ruler, Emir Mir-Arab Khan.

Designed by the esteemed architect Usto Khudoyberdi, the Mosque of Bolo-khauz, also known as the Bolo-Hauz Mosque, was constructed to serve as a place of worship and communal gathering for the residents of Bukhara. Its name, which translates to “Mosque by the Pool,” pays homage to the tranquil reflecting pool that adorns its courtyard, providing a serene oasis amidst the bustling streets of the city.

The mosque’s architectural brilliance is evident in its graceful colonnades, intricate tilework, and majestic domes, which reflect the traditional Islamic motifs and artistic flourishes of the era. Within its hallowed halls, worshippers gather to offer prayers, recite verses from the Quran, and seek spiritual guidance, fostering a deep sense of connection with the divine.

Throughout its storied history, the Mosque of Bolo-khauz has served as a symbol of Bukhara’s religious and cultural identity, welcoming pilgrims, scholars, and travelers from far and wide. Today, it stands as a cherished landmark, inviting visitors to marvel at its timeless beauty, contemplate its spiritual significance, and experience the rich tapestry of Bukhara’s history and heritage.

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