Poi Kalyan Mosque
The Poi Kalyan Mosque, an architectural marvel nestled in the heart of Bukhara, Uzbekistan
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Poi Kalyan Mosque

Admin 1 25.05.2024

The Poi Kalyan Mosque, an architectural marvel nestled in the heart of Bukhara, Uzbekistan, stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of Islamic art and culture. Built in the early 16th century, between 1514 and 1518, during the reign of the Shaybanid dynasty, this majestic mosque was commissioned by the revered Shaybanid ruler, Ubaydullah Khan, to serve as a beacon of spiritual devotion and communal worship.

Designed by the esteemed architect Bako, the mosque’s name, which translates to “Beneath the Great,” reflects its location at the foot of the towering Kalyan Minaret, forming an integral part of the historic Poi Kalyan complex. Its construction was driven by a desire to create a sacred space where believers could gather to offer prayers, seek guidance, and foster a deep connection with the divine.

From its elegant courtyard adorned with ornate arches and vibrant tilework to its expansive prayer hall featuring soaring domes and intricate mihrab, every aspect of the Poi Kalyan Mosque exudes a sense of spiritual reverence and architectural splendor. Throughout the centuries, it has stood as a symbol of Bukhara’s spiritual and cultural prominence along the ancient Silk Road, drawing pilgrims, scholars, and travelers from far and wide.

Today, the Poi Kalyan Mosque continues to inspire awe and reverence in all who visit, offering a glimpse into the rich tapestry of Bukhara’s history and heritage. As worshippers gather within its hallowed halls to commune with the divine, the mosque serves as a timeless reminder of the enduring power of faith, unity, and the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment.

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