Tashkent Botanical Garden. Uzbekistan
Tashkent Botanical Garden named after F. N. Rusanov
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Tashkent Botanical Garden. Uzbekistan

Admin 1 20.05.2024

Tashkent Botanical Garden named after F. N. Rusanov is one of the largest and oldest natural parks in the CIS. Now the botanical garden belongs to the Institute of the Gene Pool of Plants and Animals of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, formerly the Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan. The Botanical Garden is magnificent at any time of the year. Thanks to the unique microclimate of the garden, you can enjoy the flora of five parts of the world – Central Asia, East Asia, the Far East, Europe and North America.

Botanical Garden In Tashkent Highlighted Point Of Attraction :

A Trip to the Botanical Gardens of Uzbekistan offers a lot of opportunities to enjoy the natural flora and fauna of Central Asia region.

The arboretum covers 40 hectares and the floras are from Central Asia, Eastern Asia, North America, Far East and Europe including the natural zones of Crimea, Caucasus.

Tashkent Botanical Garden named after F. N. Rusanov
Tashkent Botanical Garden named after F. N. Rusanov

The Palaeobotanical collections have more than 6000 species, varieties and species of trees, shrubs, dwarf shrubs, vines, grasses and aquatic plants can be found in Botanical Garden in Tashkent.

In this garden, there are medicinal herbs, biological, regular, quarantine, experimental-industrial sites, nurseries, and a glass-grown-hothouse complex.

The collection of preserved plant specimens or the herbarium constitutes more than one million herbarium sheets covering 172 plant species families, which is divided into four sections. These are: Central Asian herbarium, and General herbarium having 100 thousand sheets, authentic herbarium with 2000 sheets, 1400 plant species of collection exchange and herborised materials.
It is worth to say that the Botanical Garden is beautiful in each season in its own way. In spring the garden is blossomed and is full of odors, in summer it is green and saves from heat, in autumn it is really fabulous palette of colors from bright-yellow to dark-red.

You can come here with children or with company of friends for picnics. Also very often school excursions and ecology actions are held here. By the way it is more interesting to walk with guide: he will tell you interesting stories and legends related to these unique plants.

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