Kirov Reservoir - Nomads Life-Tours in Kyrgyzstan. Silk Road tours.
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Home Blog Talas region Kyrgyzstan Kirov Reservoir

Kirov Reservoir

Admin 1 22.02.2024

Kirov Reservoir. The Kirov Reservoir is a large reservoir located in the western part of the Talas region, famous for its dam with Lenin’s monument. This is an outstanding monument of Soviet monumentalism.
The epic tells of the Kyrgyz hero Manas, who led the Kyrgyz people back from Altai to Tien Shan and later protected them from Chinese raids. As the epic is historical, a significant part of the The construction of the reservoir began in 1965 and lasted 10 years in the Chon-Kapka gorge. Previously, the village of Kirovskoye was located on the site of the reservoir, but it was moved to the neighboring territory. The Kirov reservoir was created to irrigate fertile lands in the Talas valley. The maximum depth of the reservoir is 7 meters. The reservoir covers an area of 20 km². The dam, as well as the blue water of the reservoir, is of great interest to tourists. This is because a bust of Lenin is carved into the side of the dam. According to some sources, this is one of the largest statues of its kind in the world. On some days it is possible to observe the water coming out of the dam. In winter, most of the water in the dam is drained and most of the remaining water freezes. In winter, the ruins of the old Kirovskoye houses can be seen.

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