Horse riding tour to Song Kul. 6 days | Kyrgyzstan tours
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Home Tours Central Asia tours Horse riding tour to Song Kul. 6 days

Horse riding tour to Song Kul. 6 days

Admin 1 28.06.2024


Period:  late June – mid September

Individuals dates available on request

Group size: min 1-7 persons

Nestled high in the majestic Tian Shan mountains of Kyrgyzstan lies Song-Kul, a pristine alpine lake surrounded by rolling meadows and nomadic traditions. This breathtaking destination offers a unique glimpse into Kyrgyz culture and nature, making it an ideal spot for adventurous travelers seeking an authentic experience off the beaten path.

The jailoos are the pastures where Kyrgyz shepherds tend their flocks in the summer, and Song-Kol is the jewel of the jailoos, a stunning 270 km2 of sparkling water at 3016 m, surrounded by 3700 m mountains on all sides. For the fullest jailoo experience, approach the lake via the mountains enclosing the western end of Kochkor Valley, moving from jailoo to jailoo and staying with shepherd families in remote meadows far off the beaten path. Enjoy homemade jam, fresh cream, bread still warm from the oven, and the best kymyz (fermented mare’s milk) around. The route traverses remote Jumgal rayon, and reaches Song-Kol via Jalgyz-Karagai (Lone Fir) Pass on the north shore.

Additional information

Song-Kul is located approximately 300 kilometers from Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan. Situated at an altitude of 3,016 meters (9,895 feet), this remote lake has been a vital part of Kyrgyz nomadic life for centuries. Nomads bring their herds of horses, sheep, and cattle to graze on the lush summer pastures that surround the lake, contributing to its untouched beauty and cultural richness.

You must have: Trekking boots, weatherproof warm clothes, hat,
Remarks: tents, sleeping bags and mats are available upon request.

Moderate to difficult (4 passes above 3 400 m, the highest at 3600 m)


  • Early arrival night in Bishkek;
  • Visa cost;
  • Personal travel insurance;
  • Flight tickets;
  • Alcohol and soft drinks;


  • Horse riding
  • All meals as in program
  • English speaking guide during the whole tour (except transfer days)
  • Accommodation 5 nights ( 4nights in yurt, 1 night in Guest house)
  • Transportation Bishkek – Kochkor.  Kochkor –  Bishkek
  • All enrty fees

Tour itinerary

Bishkek – Kochkor city (240 km drive)

Pick up from hotel in Bishkek about 8 am in the morning and drive to Kochkor city in Naryn region. Lunch on the way. 

Accommodation : Guest house

Nutrition: lunch/dinner

Kochkor — Iyri -Suu

Iyri-Suu — Sook valley After breakfast at Kochkor village upon arrived to Iyri-Suu, gear up for a long day through nearly-empty country. Begin by traversing the western end of the Kochkor Valley through scrubby dry terrain. After crossing the fast Karakol River, climb 1000 meters over the Buchuk Pass (3400 m). On the other side, after a brief break for lunch on the trail, descend into the beautiful Sook Valley. Wild onions cover the high cold ridges, while lower down whole hillsides of wildflowers bloom. Eagles soar and marmots cry and scurry about. At day’s end, ford the Sook River and climb the green Kichi Saryk Valley. Overnight stay in a yurt.

Horse time: 6-7 hours.

Accommodation : Yurt camp

Nutrition: Breakfast/lunch/dinner

Sook valley — Kolduu-Suu valley

After breakfast at Sook, detour to the next valley west, the Kum Bel, for the best approach to the 3 600 m Kum Bel Pass. From the pass, follow a ridge eastward and upward to the peak, 3656 m above sea level, with breathtaking 360 views and sheer drops to the north. Continue east, testing your walking skills down scree-covered hillsides, and eat lunch in a sheltered notch. Descend at last into the Kolduu Suu valley, and follow it down between dandelion-covered mountains to your yurt, in Kolduu Suu jailoo.

Horse time: 5-6 hours.

Accommodation : Yurt camp

Nutrition: Breakfast/lunch/dinner

Kolduu-Suu valley — Kilemche jailoo via Chaar-Archa Pass 3061.

After breakfast in Kolduu Suu, head south to the Kochkor — Jumgal road. Follow the road a short ways east to the Kyzart Pass, then strike south again. Within sight of the road, cross Kyzyl-Kiya jailoo, an enormous, relatively flat sea of grass. Continue over the Chaar-Archa Pass (3 061 m) into the Chaar-Archa Valley and eat a tasty lunch by the racing river, with views of holy 4400 m Baba-Ata Mountain. Sated, ford the river and follow the trail over verdant hills to Kilemche Jailoo. The name means “like a carpet,” and this swathe of grass covers whole mountain ranges, with shadings as subtle as any shyrdak (shyrdak is a Kyrgyz felt carpet). Dine and sleep in a yurt, naturally.

Horse time: 5 hours.

Accommodation : Yurt camp

Nutrition: Breakfast/lunch/dinner

Kilemche jailoo — Batai-Aral (Son-Kol lake).

After breakfast at Kilemche, spend the morning climbing to Jalgyz Karagai pass (3400 m), over the Song-Kol Mountains and into the lake’s basin. The morning climb affords wonderful views of Kilemche jailoo, and the pass itself is rocky and exciting. From the pass, Song-Kol is still distant, but as you traipse down the slopes, it gets larger and larger; the mountains on the other side get higher and higher, until finally the lake fills most of your field of view and the southern mountains tower above it. After lunch at Jaman Echki, follow the lakeshore east to the yurt at Batai Aral. Upon arrival meet your host family of Kyrgyz shepherds. Meals and overnight are in a yurt of shepherds.

Horse time: 5 hours.

Accommodation : Yurt camp

Nutrition: Breakfast/lunch/dinner

Batai-Aral – Kochkor – Bishkek

Spend the day enjoying refreshing and well-earned rest at the lake side. Watching and/or participation in everyday life of shepherds: milking mares; making national milk products like kymyz (a fermented mare’s milk) or airan (a sour dense milk product); tending cattle. Eat a delicious lunch here, stroll along the lakeshore, and hope the legendary Song-Kol weather is kind. Afternoon transfer to Kochkor village,

Driving: 7 hours.

Nutrition: lunch/dinner


Tour Map

Tour Prices

Upon Request

For group the price is negotiated

Note: If you need extra guide to hold your horse while riding, its possible for extra pay. Its not included to the price

Tour Booking

    Horse riding tours in Kyrgyzstan