Karagiye Swale 1 day tour. Mangustau | Tours in Kazakhstan
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Home Tours Kazakhstan tours Karagiye Swale 1 day tour. Mangustau

Karagiye Swale 1 day tour. Mangustau

Admin 1 31.05.2024


Karagiye swale – Bozzhyra ( upper and lower panorama) -Bokty Mountain – Kyzylkup natural landmark

Period: All year around

Individuals dates available on request

Group size: No limit

Explore the captivating landscapes of Mangystau with a one-day tour to Karagiye Swale. Immerse yourself in the beauty of this natural wonder, characterized by its unique geological formations and stunning vistas. Witness the rugged terrain, salt lakes, and expansive steppe that define the region. Karagiye Swale promises an unforgettable adventure for nature enthusiasts and photographers alike

Name of the places you will visit on today’s tour:

Karagiye Swale

Nestled in the heart of Mangystau, Kazakhstan, is a geological marvel boasting otherworldly landscapes and ancient formations. Carved by the forces of nature over millennia, this site features dramatic rock formations, deep ravines, and expansive vistas across the vast steppe.


A picturesque area located in the Mangystau region of Kazakhstan, renowned for its stunning natural beauty and diverse ecosystems. This hidden gem boasts vast plains, rolling hills, and unique geological formations, making it a haven for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers. Visitors to Bozzhyra can explore its rich biodiversity

Bokty Mountain

Situated in the Mangystau region of Kazakhstan, stands as a prominent landmark amid the vast steppe landscape. Rising majestically from the surrounding plains, Bokty Mountain offers breathtaking panoramic views and an opportunity for outdoor adventure.

Kyzylkup is a striking natural landmark

Located in the Mangystau region of Kazakhstan, renowned for its unique geological features and vibrant red hues. This geological formation consists of towering cliffs and rock formations, sculpted by the forces of wind and water over millions of years. The name “Kyzylkup” translates to “Red Hill” in Kazakh


  • Meals  ( optinal )
  • Professional Guide


  • Driver – guide
  • Comfortable Car (Jeep)
  • Insurance Policy


Tour itinerary

Aktau city

Departure by Jeep at 8:00 am – Return at 19:00 (approximately)

Embark on an exhilarating one-day jeep tour from Aktau city to explore the mesmerizing landscapes of Karagiye Swale, Bozzhyra, Bokty Mountain, and Kyzylkup natural landmark. Departing in the morning, your adventure begins as you venture into the heart of the Mangystau region, accompanied by an experienced guide and driver.

Hotel:  Not included 

Nutrition: Not included (optinal)

Tour Map

Tour Prices


1 person – $ 400

2 person – $ 260 per person

3 persons – $ 175 per person

Tour Booking

    Tours in Kazakhstan